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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Feb 23, 1792

H M Ship Providence from Adventure Bay Van Diemens [Land towards Otaheite in 1792]

Thursday February 23d

 1 pm: Fresh Gale and cloudy weather – at ¼ past 12 Tacked Ship – Carrying all possible Sail to clear the Land

 4 pm: Tacking occasionally – very fresh Gale – at ¼ past 4 Tacked Cape Pillar bearing N82°E & Cape Frederick Henry N82°W Distant 1 Mils – Saw the Assistant with her Fore Yard gone, and Fore Top Sail shifted home to her Catheads – Saw her tack a few Minutes after and stay very well – prepared the Large Cutter to send to her Assistance – at ½ past 5 Cape Frederick Henry NBW ½ a Mile made the Signal for Anchoring – Lead always going, came to from 27 to 25 fathoms

11 pm: At 11 after baffling winds came to an Anchor in 15 fathoms – The Assistant in Company having a fore Yard up – Penguin Island N85°E ½ Mile Cape Frederick Henry N24°E Nelson Hill S9°W Gully Head N35°W – Eastermost part of Table Land N18°W

 3 am: At Day break sent hands to the Assistant to prepare her for Sea – Unbent the Courses and Main Top Sail & bent the second best sails – at 8 fair weather and moderate Winds – served Thick gruel and portable Soup for Breakfast

12 noon: At Noon fair weather Wind right into the Bay
The Assistant busily employed repairing her damage & not yet ready for Sea
   Latitude Observed 43°..22′..15″ South

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