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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Feb 22, 1792

[H M Ship Providence from Adventure Bay Van Diemens] Land towards Otaheite in 1792

Wednesday February 22d 1792

 1 pm: Calm and cloudy weather with a swell from NE

 3 pm: Light Airs, weighed and towed farther out of Adventure Bay – at ½ past 4 brought up with the Best Bower in 15 fathom water soft Ground Nelson Hill bearing N½W Next S24°W The Extremes of Frederick Henry Lowland from N48°W East°West East point of Table Hill N19°W Cape Frederick Henry N27°East

12 mid: AM Light Airs

 4 am: Fresh Breezes and dard cloudy weather

 5 am: Served portable Soup and Thick gruel for Breakfast – Weighed and came to Sail the Assistant in Company

 8 am: Cape Frederick Henry N2°W – Southermost point of Maria Islands The Lookers out, N80°East – Sounded from 24 to 29 fathoms Distance off Shore 1½ Miles

 9 am: at ¾ past 9 In cutters and hauled to the Wind

12 noon: At Noon fresh Gale and cloudy with haze – Cape Pillar East 2 or 3 Leagues – Cape Frederick Henry WSW 2 or 3 Leagues
A Number of fires were seen this morning as well on the Maria Islands as the Main Land
   Latitude Observed 43°..12½′ South

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