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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Feb 5, 1792

[H M Ship Providence from Table Bay Cape of Good Hope] towards Adventure Bay Van Diemens Land in 1792

Sunday February 5th

 1 pm: Fresh Breezes and cloudy weather

 2 pm: Opened a Cask of Pork No 1049 contents 120 double Pieces

 5 pm: Saw Rock weed and great numbers of Different kinds of Sheerwaters – Albatrosses, Mother Careys Chickens, and Silver Birds
Let water in, and pumped it out again as usual – at 8 Fresh Breezes and fair weather – a swell from the Westward

10 pm: Very heavy dew

12 mid: AM Fine clear weather

 5 am: Cloudy with haze on the Horizon

 7 am: Served Thick Gruel and portable Soup for Breakfast

 9 am: Cleaned below and aired Ship with fires

10 am: Mustered the People in Divisions, after which Captain Bligh read prayers to them

12 noon: Fine Breezes and fair weather – a westerly swell
   Latitude Observed 43°..46′ South

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