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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Dec 28, 1791

Providence from Table Bay Cape of Good Hope [towards Adventure Bay Van Diemens Land]

Wednesday December 28th

 1 pm: Fresh Breezes and cloudy weather – at 1 hove too and tried with 120 fathom for soundings but found no Ground – Made sail again out 2d Reef Fore & Main Topsails

 5 pm: Set the Fore Top Mast Steering Sail

 7 pm: Hauled down the Steering Sail

 8 pm: Moderate and cloudy with a swell from the SW

10 pm: Very heavy swell from the Westward and and [sic] a cross Sea – tried for ground with 120 fathom – found none

 4 am: Saw a Ship standing to the SE – bearing ESE

 5 am: Scrubbeed Hamacoes

 6 am: Saw a number of Sheerwaters & a few Albatrosses

 7 am: Set the Fore Top Mast and Lower Studding Sail

 8 am: Light Winds with a very heavy Swell from the SW

12 noon: Fresh Breezes and fine weather with a Long heavy Swelll from the Westward
   Latitude Observed 37°..30′ South
 The Strange Sail NE

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