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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Dec 23 (2), 1791

[The following is the first page in the second book of Mr. Tobin's log, followed by a new page for December 23, 1791. The last word on the first page is indecipherable and the thought is left unfinished.]

George Tobin

Log of Her Majestys Ship Providence William Bligh Esquire commander in company with H. Majestys armed Tender Assistant, Lieutenant Nathaniel Portlock commander – From the Cape of Good Hope round Van Diemans Land to Otaheite in the South Sea – and of her return again [behosen?] New Holland and New Guinea to England, by the Cape of Good Hope and West Indies — Kept by George Tobin 3d Lieutenant.

Sailed from the Cape of Good Hope December 23d 1791 and [?]

[Next page...]

H M Ship Providence from Table Bay Cape of Good Hope towards
Adventure Bay Van Diemens Land

Remarks Friday December 23d – 1791 – Table Bay

 1 pm: Moderate and Hazy weather

 2 pm: Arrived here from Spithead H M Sloop Swan Captain John Elphinstone bound to Fort St. George in the East Indies with despatches – at ½ past 2 Weighed and came to Sail under double Reefed Topsails – Saluted the Fort with 15 Guns which was returned with an equal number – at ½ past 4 passed between Robin Island and the Eastern Shore – Stowed the Anchors – at 6 the Lions Head in one with the NW End of the Table Land, bore S9°E – Westermost Land S25°W – at ½ past 7 the Northermost Land bore NbE and the Westermost SbW¼W – Robin Island SbE¾E distant 3 Leagues at 8 the SW Land SbW and Table Hill SbE – at 10 Squally in 3d Reefs Fore and 2d Mizen Top Sail

12 mid: AM – Fresh Gales with heavy Squalls and a [short?] head Sea – Ship pitching heavy

 2 am: In 3d Reefs Main and 4th Fore Topsails

 3 am: A heavy dew falling

 5 am: Table Hill bore ESE¼W about 12 Leagues Distant The Westermost Land SE

 7 am: Saw a Sail in the NW standing to the Eastward

 8 am: More moderate out 3d Reef Main and 4th of the Fore Topsail

10 am: Cleaned below, out third Reef of the Fore Top Sail

12 noon: Fresh Breezes and Hazy, the Assistant in Company
   Latitude Observed 34°..04′ South

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