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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Dec 20, 1791

Moored in Table Bay Cape of Good Hope [1791]

Tuesday December 20th

 1 pm: A Fresh Gale and clear weather

 3 pm: Hard Gale

 4 pm: The Snow from Batavia Captain Hunter [cut?] & went to Sea

 8 pm: Very hard Gale and Squally

12 mid: More moderate

 3 am: Light Breezes with Haze

 4 am: Arrived in the Bay an English Ship

 5 am: Light Winds and fine pleasant weather

 7 am: The Launch returned – she had been at Penguin Island the whole night having left the Snow when she put to Sea
Up Lower Yards Topmasts Top Gallant Masts and Top Gallant Yards

10 am: Getting ready for Sea

11 am: Received on board the Observatory

12 noon: Light Airs (on the Eastern side of the Bay a Fresh SE Wind)
 Made the Signal to prepare to Sail

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