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Revised 2010-09-18

Tobin's Providence Logbook Oct 29, 1791

Log &c. of H M S Providence from Port Praya in the Island of St. Iago [towards the Cape of Good Hope in 1791]

Saturday October 29th

 1 pm: Moderate and fine weather with a swell from the Southward

 2 pm: Sailmaker repairing the Main Top Gallant Sail and the Caulkers in the Cabin

 8 pm: Fresh Breezes and fine weather cloudy

10 pm: A Luminous appearance on the water

11 pm: Squally. The sky very dark to the Southward

12 mid: Moderate and cloudy

 4 am: Fresh Breezes and cloudy with frequent Squalls. Saw a number of Sea fowl –

 9 am: At ¼ past 9 the Ship falling off to NEbE Tack and stood to the Southward – Cleaned below and aired Ship with fires – The People washing and mending their cloaths – Unbent the New Main Top Gallant Sail and bent the old one – Measured the Log Line – Saw several Albatrosses, Sheerwaters Pintada Birds and Mother Careys Chicken

12 noon: At Noon moderate & cloudy with a southerly swell
 Latitude Observed 27°..45′ South

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