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Revised Sep 7, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Oct 7, 1791

Log &c. of H M S Providence from Port Praya in the Island [of St. Iago towards the Cape of Good Hope – 1791]

Friday October 7th 1791

 1 pm: Moderate Breezes and fair weather

 2 pm: Saw a number of flying fish

 3 pm: Light Squalls the breeze increasing

 4 pm: Employed under the Boatswain

 6 pm: [?] to the Southward of the Sun

 8 pm: Fine clear weather – shortened sail for the Assistant

 9 pm: Made sail the Assistant in her station

10 pm: Squally with Rain

 1 am: Cloudy

 2 am: Moderate Breeze with Lightning to the Southward

 4 am: A Luminous appearance in [?] in the water

 8 am: Moderate and fair

 9 am: Saw a Tropic Bird – set the Royals

10 am: Squally with small Rain – made and shortened Sail as necessary – Cleaned below and kept the Brodie Stoves lighted – The People on deck employed fitting a spare foresail & Top Gallant Sails – Making Matts & points

12 noon: At Noon Squally with Rain – The Assistant in Company
   No Observation

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