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Revised Sep 7, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Sep 12, 1791

[Log Book &c. of H M S Providence from Teneriffe towards] the Cape of Good Hope – 1791

Monday September 12th 1791

 1 pm: Fresh Breezes and fair weather at ½ past 12 hoisted out the Pinnace and sent an Officer on ahead to inform the Governor of our arrival and to beg permission to procure refreshments for the Ships Use – at 3 PM Veered away to ½ a Cable service and carried the Kedge anchor to the WBS and moored Ship – The Bearings when moored. The East point of the Road EBN½N The SW Point WBN 1 Mile The high Peak NNW½W and the Fort NNW¼W distant 2 Miles – Fresh Breezes and fair – At 8 PM weighed the Kedge anchor and hove in on the small Bower

11 pm: At 11 PM Captain Bligh sent his dispatches on board a schooner bound to America to have them forwarded to England by the first opportunity – at ½ past 11 hove short on the Small Bower with a purchase on the Cable at 12 the Cable parted in the hawse nmd loosed the Topsails and made sail nmd Hove too for the Assistant – At 1 AM the Assistant Came up – The NE point of the Road NEbN The Northermost point NW and the Town of Port Praya North 2 Leagues distant – Bore up and made sail set the Courses and Fore Top Mast studding sail

 8 am: Got the Chests up, washed the Gun deck and cleaned the Orlop – Stowed the Best Bower Anchor unbent the Cable and roused it down – Saw a Mother Careys Chicken, a swallow and a number of flying fish

11 am: Hazy a fresh trade

12 noon: The Cooper employed shaking Casks –
 The Assistant in Company
 At Noon under single Reefed Top Sails, Top Gallant Sails, [Lower sails?] and Fore Topmast Studding sails
 Latitude Observed 13°..54′ North
Thermometer in ye Shade at Noon 84°

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