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Revised Sep 7, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Aug 14, 1791

[Log Book &c. of H M Ship Providence from Spithead] towards the Cape of Good Hope – 1791

Remarks on Sunday August 14th 1791

 1 pm: Fresh Breezes and fair – Saw a ship Hull down in the SW Quarter standing on a wind to the Westward – at 2 Tacked to the Westward

 5 pm: Cloudy – Handed the Top Gallant Sails

 8 pm: Small rain – [Took?] 2d Reefs in the Main Top Sail

 9 pm: Hazy with a swell from the NW

11 pm: Moderate – Out 2d Reefs of the Main Top Sail

12 mid: AM

 1 am: At Day Light the ship saw yesterday was in the SW – bore near two Miles on the Lee Quarter – Hoisted our Colours to her, which she answered with English

 9 am: Mustered the Ships Company in Divisions

12 noon: At Noon under single Reefed Fore, and Main and whole Mizen Topsails
 The Assistant in Company
   No Observastion
 Served Krout to the Ships Company

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