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Revised Sep 6, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Jul 22-27, 1791

At Spithead

Friday July 22d 1791 Moderate Breezes and cloudy Weather The Wind Westerly Received 30 Bags of Bread – employed stowing the Iron Ballast in the Main hold, cleaning ship &c – At 11 AM The Clerk of the Checque mustered the Ships Company and paid to them H M Royal Bounty
Ships Draught of Water Abaft 16 Feet..2 Inches Forward 15..2

Saturday 23d July Wind from South to West Moderate & fair At [1?] AM Heavy Gale with rain at 10 AM moderate and cloudy The Commissioner came on board and paid the Ships Company [blank] months advance money – Received fresh Beef – Employed Fleeting the Lower rigging

Sunday 24th Wind South Westerly. Fresh Galoes and Hazy weather – set up the Lower rigging – Middle part small Rain – AM Received on board Rum employed cleaning the ship fore and aft and getting ready for Sea – Hoisted in the Launch – at 5 Mustered the Ships Company and read the Articles of War, punished John Jones, Marine, with 12 lashes for remaining on shore when on duty without leave

Monday 25th Wind WBS, WSW, Fresh Gales and cloudy weather – Middle part rain – AM Employed as necessary – Squally

Tuesday 26th Wind WSW. Fresh Gales and Showery weather – AM strong Gales. Employed working up Junk – loosed Sails to dry – at Noon the Wind West

Wednesday 27th Wind SW – Light breezes and continual Rain – Employed as necessary

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