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Revised Sep 6, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Jun 14-19, 1791

Tuesday 14th June 1791 Wind Easterly moderate and cloudy bent the Mizen and Mizen Staysail [up?] and Main Topsail, employed scraping the sides – AM Ditto Weather bent the Topsails Carpenters employed on board

Wednesday 15th June Wind Easterly Fresh Breezes, and cloudy weather received on board some portable Soup and Casks of Iron. AM Ditto Weather received on board fresh Beef – Carpenters employed on board

Thursday 16th June Wind NNE strong with rain employed stowing the Booms and scraping the Quick Work on the Quarter Deck – AM Ditto Weather – employed making Plats and Rope bands – A Brig fell on board of us and Carried away our Spritsail Yard

Friday 17th Fresh Breezes and cloudy wind [EbN?] got on board Sails & Carpenters Stores from the yard. AM Ditto Weather scraped the decks – Martin Kelly Seaman fell over board and was drowned – Loosed sails to dry – Bent the Fore Sail – Carpenters employed on board – Received the Pennace from the Yard – Crossed new Spritsail Yard

Saturday 18th Wind SE – Fresh Breezes and cloudy – Loosed sails – AM Ditto Weather – employed making Plats – rounded five fathoms of each Bower – taking on board sails [?] Received 12 Casks of Beef and 198 pounds of Fresh Beef – returned the Pinnace to the Yard to be painted – received a fathom of Wood.

Sunday 19th. Wind NE. Moderate and clear – Received on board Boatswains Stores – AM Ditto Weather got up Top Gallant Yards and loosed sails – a Pilot came on board – Painter at Work

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