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Revised Sep 6, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook May 18-21, 1791

Wednesday 18th. Strong gales with rain – Received (25 Pigs) 5 Tons of Iron Ballast 30 Hogsheads of Beef 20 Hogsheads Pork and half a Hogshead of Suet – AM Moderate and clear – Employed stowing the After Hold – Served fresh Beef to the Ships Company

Thursday 19th Strong gales with rain – hoisted the Topmast thro' the Caps and shipped the Cross-Trees – Employed rigging the [Mast?] and stowing the Hold – received a Boat load of Wood from Mr. Perrys Yard at [Black???]

Friday 20th Fresh Gales with rain at times nmd received on board the Fore and Main Top Mast Rigging and rigged the Topmasts and fore yard – Broached a Cask of Beer – AM Catharpined in the fore rigging – received on board the mizen rigging and sundry Boatswains Stores Caulkers and carpenters employed on board

Saturday 21st. Fresh breezes and cloudy set up the fore rigging, received on board a boat load of Garden Pots – AM Ditto Weather received Carpenters Stores from the Yard and the Top Gallant Masts Jib boom and Mizen Topsail Yard, swayed up and rigged the Topmasts – [dropped?] up and made fast along side of the sheer Hulk
The Clerk of the Cheque came on board and mustered the Ships Company

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