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Revised Sep 6, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook May 9-13, 1791

Remarks &c at Deptford

Monday 8th Light breezes and cloudy weather – AM ditto weather, employed getting up the rigging – received on board some Boatswain's Stores – Stowed the Iron Ballast served fresh Beef to the Ships Company

Tuesday 10th Moderate with cloudy weather got the fore rigging over head, received a cask of small beer containing [blank] Gallons and broached it – AM moderate breezes with rain served fresh beef to the Ships Company – Carpenters at work on board

Wednesday 11th Calm cloudy weather, received [blank] Chaldron of coals employed getting them in and Boatswains Stores from the Yard – AM Served fresh Beef to the Ships Company – Ditto Weather – Turned in the Dead Eyes of the Main Rigging, Got the remainder of the coals on board – Carpenters, Painters, and Coal bearers employed on board

Thursday 12th Light Airs inclinable to Calm employed trimming the hold – AM ditto Weather with Rain – Riggerrs employed on board from the Yard; turned in the dead Eyes of the Fore Rigging – served fresh Beef – Joined the Ship Mr. James Guthrie second Lieutenant

Friday 13th Moderate and pleasant weather received on board Boatswains Stores – got the Tops overhead and [?] the Bowsprit – AM Ditto Weather employed stowing the hold and setting up the lower rigging fore and aft received on board Carpenters – Received on board a spare Anchor and 60 Butts 8 Hogsheads small Beer 10 Bags of Bread 2 Tierces of Beef, 1 Tierce of Pork, & 1 Keg of Butter employed stowing the Butts in the Ground Tier ready for filling – broached the second Cask of Beer & served fresh Beef – Received a Lighter of Coals – Carpenters employed on board

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