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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Jan 24-30, 1793

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

January 1793

Thursday 24  Moderate breezes with rain at times PM Cleared away in the Main hold for Bread opened a Butt & started it into the Bread Room Middle part Calm & Cloudy AM Cleaned below Cutter Employed Watering at Noon Moderate & fine Weather

Friday 25  First & Middle part Moderate & open Cloudy Weather with rain Latter Moderate & pleasant Weather AM unbent the new Jib & bent the Ole one Carpenter Employed Tarring the Bends, Cutter Watering & People stowing Water Casks in the Fore hold & repairing the rigging at Noon Light Winds & fine pleasant Weather received 50 pounds of Fresh Beef

Saturday 26  Light winds & fine open Cloudy Weather Sailmaker Employed repairing the Top Gallant sails & the Cutter Watering AM Light winds & Clear Weather Loosed Sail to dry Compleated the Fore hold with Water . cleaned below ... At Noon Flying showers of Rain Furled Sails .. Sailmaker Employed as before

Sunday 27  Light breezes with Small Rain at times PM People employed washing & mending their Cloaths AM Moderate breezes & open Cloudy Weather Sailed hence a West Indiaman at Noon Fine Weather received 48 pounds of Fresh Beef

Monday 28  First part Light Airs inclinable to Calm Middle part Moderate breezes & open Cloudy Weather with light rain AM Received a turn of Water per Jolly boat Employed preparing for Sea at Noon Moderate & fine Weather

Tuesday 29  First part Light winds & fine clear Weather PM Employed as before Sailed hence a Slave Ship Middle & Latter parts Moderate breezes & open Cloudy Weather with Showers of Rain at 6 AM unmoored & hove into ½ a Cable on the Small bower People employed Occasionally at NOON Moderate & Cloudy Weather Received on board 46 Pounds of Fresh Beef
Ships draught of water Forward 8..5 Aft 9..9

Wednesday 30  Fresh breezes & open Cloudy Weather PM Employed getting ready for Sea at ½ past 5 the Providence made the Signal to Weigh at ½ past 7 weighed & came to Sail in Company with the Providence at ½ past 8 Kingstown bore E[?]½N distant about 2 Miles the extreams of the Island Boquia SbE½E set Top Gallant sails at 11 the extreams of St Vincent in sight from NEbE½E to SEbE AM Fresh Breezes & Cloudy made & shortened Sail Occasionally in Squalls People variously Employed Stowed the Anchors at ½ past 10 answered the Signal to come within hail Served Spruce beer to the Ships Company at Noon Fresh breezes & fine Weather in Company with the Providence

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