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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Jan 19-23, 1793

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

January 1793

Saturday 19  Fresh breezes & open Cloudy Weather PM People employed washing mo mending their Cloaths made & shortened sail as necessary AM Steady breezes & open Cloudy Weather Made & shortened sail Occasionally to keep in our Station Cleaned between Deck Washed with Vinegar & Aired with Fires at Noon Fresh breezes & open Cloudy weather in Company with the Providence

Sunday 20  Moderate breezes & clear Weather PM Employed as before filled 7 rounds of 3 Pounder & 12 Rounds for the Swivels at 4 Answered the Signal for a Strange sail at 5 altered our Course to speak the Sail which was a Sloop standing to the SE at 6 stood on our Course again AM Moderate & open Cloudy Weather made & shortened sail Occasionally to keep in our Station Exercised Great Guns & Small Arms at Noon Fine Weather in Company with the Providence

Monday 21  Moderate breezes & fine open Cloudy Weather with a following Sea made & shortened sail as necessary AM Fine [?] Weather Sailmaker Employed repairing the Quarter Deck Awning & People cleaning the Bread room &c Saw a number of Noddys & other Birds Served Spruce beer to the Ships Company at noon in Company with the Providence

Tuesday 22  Moderate & Cloudy Weather PM Sailmaker mending the Awning at ½ past 3 saw the Land bearing WbN made the Signal to the Commodore for seeing the same ½ past 5 answered the Signal to come within hail Stood towards the Commodore & at ¾ past 5 went on board the Providence on Duty at 6 fine Weather the East point of Barbadoes bore WSW distant 6 or 7 Leagues at 7 I returned from the Providence at 1 AM the East point of Barbadoes NBE distant 3 or 4 Leagues at 6 the body of Barbadoes ENE 6 or 7 Leagues ½ past 6 made the Signal on seeing Land in the NW at 8 the extreams of St. Vincents from N62°..30′W to N70°W People employed upon the rigging Cleaned below Aired with Fires & washed with Vinegar at ¾ past [?] the Commodore spoke a Sloop from Grenada bound to Surinam at Noon Moderate & fine Weather in Company with the Providence

Wednesday 23  Moderate & open Cloudy Weather PM Employed as before at 4 the extreams of St. Vincents from N31°W to S61°W the Island of Boquia [Bequia] from S50°W to S33°W the Island of [Bo?el] from S23°W to S20°W & the Island of St. Lucia from N2°W to N8°E several Small Craft in sight at 6 made the Signal for a Pilot with a Gun ½ past 6 Fired several Swivels & brought too a Sloop standing along shore at 10 came too with the Small bower in 20 Fathoms water in Kingston bay St. Vincents steadied the Ship with a Small [Kedge?] & [?] furled Sails AM Moderate & Cloudy found riding there several West Indiamen at 11 Moored Ship to ye NE & SW ¾ of a Cable each way the West point bearing N79°W South point S1°..30′W & the Fort N6°W at Noon Moderate & Cloudy Weather with Rain

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