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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Dec 29, 1792-Jan 4, 1793

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

December 1792

Saturday 29  Fresh breezes & hazey Weather with a following Sea PM Employed as before made & shortened Sail Occasionally AM Fresh breezes & Cloudy Carpenter Employed as before People washing & mending their Coaths lost a log & one line at Noon Moderate & open Cloudy Weather in Company with the Providence

Sunday 30  Moderate breezes & open Cloudy Weather PM People employed washing & mending their Cloaths made & shortened sail Occasionally to keep in our Station AM Moderate & Cloudy cleaned below at Noon Moderate & fine Weather in Company with the Providence

Monday 31  Moderate & fine pleasant Weather PM made & shortened sail as necessary AM Light breezes & open Cloudy Weather Sailmaker Employed on the Main Topsail People working up Junk Carpenter making Cartridge boxes & Gunner making Wads at noon Moderate & fine Weather in Company with the Providence

January 1793

Tuesday 1  All this day Moderate breezes & fine Weather PM made & shortened sail as before PM saw several Gannetts Noddys & other birds at 5 AM saw the Island of Assension bearing from S21°W to S37°W distant about 6 or 7 Leagues Served Spruce beer to the Ships Company at noon the High Peak of the Island bearing [South?] in Company with the Providence

Wednesday 2  Light breezes & fine Weather at 1 PM I went on board the Commodore on duty at 3 the body of Assension bearing S26E distant about [10/16] Leagues at 6 I returned from the Providence AM Moderate breezes & Clear Shifted the Topsails & Fore & Main Topmast Staysails Employed as before at Noon in Company with the Providence

Thursday 3  All this day Moderate & Cloudy with Showers of rain PM made & Shortened Sail Occasionally People Employed working up Junk Sailmaker on the Foresail AM Employed as before at Noon Moderate breezes & open Cloudy Weather in Company with the Providence

Friday 4  Moderate breezes & open Cloudy Weather with rain PM Employed Occasionally made & shortened Sail as necessary AM Steady breezes & open Cloudy Weather Sailmaker Employed repairing Sails, Corporal of Marines making Cartridges People knotting yarns held a Survey on Cask of Wheat & Condemned & threw overboard Five [Breakers?] [?] Gallons which was entirely destroyed by Vermin & unfit for Men to Eat

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