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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Dec 22-28, 1792

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

December 1792

Saturday 22  Fresh breezes & Variable Weather PM Anchored here a Dutch Brig of War from the Cape of Good Hope She Saluted with 11 Guns which was returned with an equal number from the Providence, Launch Employed Watering compleated the Forehold with Water Sailmaker repairing the Main Topsail AM Moderate & Cloudy Employed as before Arrived & Anchored here a Genoese Ship from Bengal, His Majestys Ship Attalanta & the Ganges East Indiaman

Sunday 23  Light breezes & Cloudy with Small rain at times PM received on board 2 Halfhogsheads of Rum Sailed hence the Dutch Brig of Wat AM Moderate & fine Weather loosed sails to dry .. Passed by the roads an American Ship received on board 22 Pounds of Beef

Monday 24  All this day Moderate & open Cloudy Weather PM compleated our Water & hoisted in the Launch & Jolly boat employed clearing the Decks & preparing for Sean Sailmaker repairing the Main Top sail AM Employed as before at Noon Moderate & fine pleasant Weather Draught of Water forward 8..10 Aft 10..2

Tuesday 25  First & Middle parts Moderate & Cloudy Latter rain at times Employed preparing for Sea at Noon Moderate & fine

Wednesday 26  First & Middle parts Moderate & Cloudy Weather Latter Hazey with Small rain AM received a turn of Water per Cutter Sailmaker Employed repairing the Main Topsail Seamen knotting yarns & preparing for Sea

Thursday 27  Moderate breezes with Small rain at 5 PM unmoored & hove too ⅔ of a Cable on the Best bower at 12 weighed & came to Sail in Company with the Providence the Fort Saluted which was returned by the Providence hoisted in the Cutter Employed stowing the Anchors & securing the Boats AM Fresh breezes & Cloudy Weather at ½ past 1 bore up & made Sail James Town SSE about 5 Miles People variously Employed at Noon in Company with the Providence

Friday 28  Moderate breezes with Flying Showers PM People Employed washing & mending their Cloaths Made & shortened sail Occasionally to keep in our Station Middle & Latter parts Fresh breezes & Cloudy People employed knotting yarns Carpenter making Powder [?] Sailmaker as before & the Corporal of Marines cleaning Small Arms at Noon in Company with the Providence

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