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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Sep 14-17, 1792

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

[September 1792]

Friday 14  Fresh Gales & Cloudy with rain at ¼ past 3 weighed & came to Sail Tacked Ship Occasionally working up to the Brothers Island at 4 made the signal to Tack at ¼ past 4 Answered the Signal to Anchor Shortened sail & came too with the small bower in 8 Fathoms water Coarse sand the Brothers from S59°E to S66°E distance 4 Leagues AM Ditto Weather hove into ½ a Cable service at 6 veered away to a ½ Cable Service People variously Employed at Noon Fresh Gales & open Cloudy Weather

Saturday 15  Fresh Gales & Cloudy PM Employed filling the Empty water Butts with Salt water AM More moderate at 5 the Commodore & Whale boat came on board to attend us at ¼ past 4 weighed & came to Sail Whale boat a head sounding Tacked Occasionally working to the Southward at 9 Tacked & stood to the Northward Hummock Island SWbW 5 Leagues & a sand bank bearing from SWbW to NW distant 1 Mile at ¼ past 10 Bore up for the Whale boat & at 11 Took her in Tow at ½ past Shortened sail & came too with the Small bower In 7 fathoms fine Sand & Mud the Commodore at Anchor bearing East about 4 Miles Brothers from S63E to S70E & [Matea?] NbE distant 4 or 5 Leagues

Sunday 16  Fresh breezes & open Cloudy Weather at ½ past 3 weighed & made Sail the Whale boat a head Sounding working up to the Commodore at ½ past 5 came too with the Small bower in 7 Fathoms water Fine Sand & Clay the Brothers bearing from S53°E to S66°E distance 6 or 7 Leagues & Metea North 4 Leagues AM Fresh breezes & cloudy at ½ past 4 weighed & made Sail the Boats a head Sounding at Noon a Cluster of Islands a head bearing from S65°E to [NWbW?] Fresh breezes & open Cloudy Weather Answered the Signal to prepare to Anchor in Company with the Providence Soundings from 6 to 7 Fathoms

Monday 17  Fresh breezes & hazey at ½ past 12 PM Anchored with the Small bower in 7 fathoms water fine sand & mud the extreams of the Islands in sight from S65°E to N44°W fixed 2 Bitt & 2 Dog Stoppers Exercised Small arms & fired at a mark AM Fresh breezes & Cloudy at ½ past 6 weighed & made Sail Boats a head Sounding as usual at ¾ past 8 hauled our wind on seeing coloured water made the Signal to the Providence to haul the wind at ½ past [?] Tacked Ship at ½ past 9 anchored with the small bower in 8 Fathoms Coral sand made the Signal for Good anchorage the extreams of the Islands in sight at 11 bearing from S37W to N17°E At Noon Fresh breezes & fair Weather Soundings from 7 to 6 Fathoms

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