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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Sep 11-13, 1792

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

September 1792

Tuesday 11  Moderate breezes & clear Weather at 12 Weighed & came to Sail in Company with the Providence a number of Canoes a small distance from us One of which that had seperated from the rest & was very near too us discharged several arrows at us & our Cutter alongside us some of which Wounded 2 Men in the Cutter & the Carpenter who was getting the Buoy in board (at ¼ past 10 Shortened sail & came too with the Small bower in 14 Fathoms Coral sand) began Firing our Swivels & Small Arms on the Canoes that Attacked us which made them all jump overboard from the Canoes & the greater part of the others stood towards the Providence . made the Signal for Assistance & soon after the Providence began a Smart fire of Small Arms, Swivels, & 4 Pounders which we suppose destroyed or caused most of the Savages to jump overboard from their Canoes as they drifted away apparently without a Single person on board, bearings of the Islands when at Anchor Island 1st from N66°E to N62°E the 2nd from S14°W to S67°E the 3rd N7°W the 4th S86°W & the 5 from N76°W to N73°W got the spare bower Anchor over the [?] bent the Cable at 9 AM weighed & came to Sail in Company with the Providence at Noon Moderate & fine Clear Weather

Wednesday 12  Moderate & fine Weather PM ¼ past 12 Anchored with the Small bower in 7 Fathoms fine Sand & small Shells Bearings of the Islands in sight Turtle back Island from S16°E to S21°E Gap Island South Brothers from S52°W to S66°W 5 or 6 Leagues [Matea?] N32W 8 Leagues & a sand bank N65°W distant 2 Miles AM Fresh breezes & Cloudy at ¼ past 7 weighed & came to sail the Boats a head as usual at ¾ past 9 the Commodore made the Signal for seeing land bearing WbN at ½ past 10 Answered the Signal for Danger in the SW at 11 the Providences Cutter made the Signal for the Ships to Anchor shortened sail & came too with the Small bower in 7 Fathoms coarse sand & Shells Islands in Sight bearing Cap S60°E Brothers from S67°E to S70°E & [Matea?] from N12°E to N9°E distant from the nearest 6 Leagues

Thursday 13  Fresh breezes & open Cloudy Weather PM at ½ past 89 Slack water the boats away Sounding to the Westward AM Fresh Gales & cloudy at [?] the Boats Sounding to the Southward broached the 9th Butt of Water Cleaned between decks Served Sour krout &c at Noon Fresh Gales & dark Cloudy Weather

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