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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Jun 23-28, 1792

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

Moored in Matavie Bay Otaheite

June 1792

Saturday 23  All this day fine weather PM Carpenter employed converting a broken Top Gallant yard into a royal yard Sailmaker repairing the Studding Sails & People making Gasketts AM People Employed washing & mending their Cloaths

Sunday 24  Light breezes & Clear PM People washing & mending their Cloaths Sailmakers repairing the Studding Sails received on board a Topmast Studding Sail AM Moderate breezes & Cloudy ½ past 7 cleared hawse At Noon Fresh breezes & open Cloudy weather

Monday 25  First part Fresh breezes & open Cloudy Weather Middle Fresh breezes & Cloudy at 4 AM I went in the Launch Manned & Armed to recover a boat late belonging to the Matilda South Sea Whaler Latter part Fresh breezes & clear Weather Sailmaker employed mending the Studding Sails & Seamen making Gaskets received wood by the Jolly Boat for present use at Noon Fresh breezes & fine open Cloudy weather

Tuesday 26  First & Middle parts Fresh breezes & open Cloudy weather Latter part Light breezes & Cloudy with flying showers AM People employed making bunt Gasketts Sailmaker on the studding sails Received wood & water for present use by the Jolly boat At Noon Light breezes & fine open Cloudy weather

Wednesday 27  First part Moderate breezes & fine open cloudy weather at 1 PM I returned in the Launch from Attahooroo & brought the boat I went to recover People employed making Gasketts Middle & Latter parts Moderate breezes & Cloudy AM Employed working up Junk & making Gasketts received Wood for present use Sailmaker on Shore repairing the Sails, at Noon Light breezes & Cloudy

Thursday 28  First & Middle parts of these 24 hours Light Airs & open Cloudy Weather Latter Fresh breezes & pleasant weather PM People employed working up Junk making Gasketts & Platts for the Cables Sailmaker on shore repairing the Studding Sails at Sunset received all the Studding Sails from the Shore properly Repaired AM People employed as before Sailmakers repairing the Main Stay sail

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