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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Apr 26-May 2, 1792

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

Moored in Matavie Bay Otaheite

April 1792

Thursday 26  First part Moderate breezes & Cloudy with some Rain Employed Restowing the After Hold Middle & Latter parts Ditto breezes & fine Weather AM Employed working up Junk .. Received Water per Launch Returned 2 Hogsheads which we borrowed from the Providence ... Some Natives Trading as usual

Friday 27  All this day Moderate breezes & fine open Cloudy Weather People Employed working up Junk Carpenter caulking the Ships Sides AM Cleaned below .. Loosed the Main Topsail to dry .. Employed as before a few Natives Trading alongside

Saturday 28  All this day Light winds & Squally & open Cloudy Weather PM Employed as before AM People Employed Washing & Mending their Cloaths Received Water per Cutter .. Natives Trading as usual

Sunday 29  First & Middle parts Light winds & fine Weather Latter Moderate breezes & Clear PM Employed as before AM Mustered the Ships Company & Divine Service was performed by our Commander

Monday 30  All these 24 Hours Moderate & fine open Cloudy Weather AM People Employed working up Junk Carpenter caulking the Ships sides Received Water per Cutter, Loosed Sails to dry .. Natives Trading as usual

May 1792

Tuesday 1  Ditto Weather PM Employed as before AM Got the Fore Top Gallant mast on deck Scraped & Greased Ditto & Employed overhauling & repairing the defects & Taring the Fore Top Gallant Rigging .. rove new Fore Top Gallant braces at 11 Swayed up the Fore Top Gallant mast Scraped & Greased the Fore Topmast Blacked the Cross Trees Head of the Topmasts & Pole of the Top Gallant masts Carpenter Employed as before .. A few Natives Trading as usual

Wednesday 2  All this day Light Variable winds with Calms & fine Weather PM Got the Fore Topsail yard on deck & Employed overhauling & Taring the rigging of Ditto & Sparing & rattling down the Fore Topmast rigging Swayed up & Crossed the Fore Topsail yard & blacked Ditto Received Water per Jolly boat .. rove a new Fore Topsail Tye Carpenter Employed caulking the Ships sides AM Lowered the Fore yard & Employed repairing the defects of the rigging of Ditto also rattling down the Fore Topmast rigging Some Natives Trading as usual

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