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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Apr 20-25, 1792

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

Moored in Matavie Bay Otaheite

April 1792

Friday 20  All this day Light Variable winds & Weather Unbent the Square Main Sail Carpenter Employed covering the Arm Chest with a Tarpauling AM Mustered the Ships Company & Quartered them at Divisions & at the Great Guns & Small Arms Employed unreeving some of the Running Rigging .. Loosed Sails to Dry .. Unbent the Topsails ... A few Natives off Trading

Saturday 21  First part Moderate breezes with Squalls off the Land & Clear Weather Unbent the Fore & Aft Mainsails Fore Sail & Fore Topsail Middle & Latter parts Light breezes & Clear AM Cleaned below People Employed washing & Mending their Cloaths .. Very few Natives off Trading ... Loosed the Main Topsail to dry

Sunday 22  First part Fine Clear Weather with a light breeze People Employed as before Middle parts Calm Latter Moderate breezes & Clear Mustered the Ships Company & Divine Service was Performed by our Commander

Monday 23  All these 24 Hours Light winds & fine Weather AM Roused the Best bower Cable up & removed the Butts of Bread under it to get at the Coils which were Started into the Coal hole ... Received Water per Launch ... Peter Mulbury Marine sent on board with a complaint from the Officer at the Post on Shore Of Neglect of Duty Loosing a Ball Cartridge out of his Cartouch box & a Regimental Shirt Punished him with 18 Lashes & Sent him on Shore

Tuesday 24  All these 24 Hours Light Variable winds & fine Weather Employed as before restowing the Butts of Bread & Coiling away the Cable AM roused up the Small bower Cable & removed the Butts of Bread to get at the Coals Received Water per Launch .. Natives Trading as usual

Wednesday 25  All this day Light winds with Calms & fine Weather PM Employed as before .. Restowed the Butts of Bread & Coiled away the Cable .. AM Employed in the After hold getting Salt to hand .. A few Natives alongside Trading

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