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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Mar 4-6, 1792

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

March 1792

Sunday 4  Fresh breezes & dark hazey Weather Sailmaker Employed mending a Top mast Studding Sail Saw some Rock weed & a Port Egmont hen Middle parts Fresh breezes & Hazey with Smart Rain The Wind Shifted more to the Southward AM Fresh breezes & Hazey Made & Shortened Sail Occasionally Saw a number of Blue Petrils Quaker birds & Port Egmont Hens & some Rock weed At Noon Fresh breezes & fine Clear Weather Providence NW 1 Cable Served Barley & Portable Soup to the Ships Company

Monday 5  Fresh Breezes & clear Weather Saw a Quaker bird several Albetross Port Egmont Hens & several Straw Coloured Bill birds about the Size of an Albetross at ½ past 5 PM In all Studding Sails Middle parts Strong breezes & open Cloudy Weather In Top Gallant Sails & 1st. & 2nd. reefs of the Topsails & Fore & Aft Mainsail & at 11 Hauled up the Foresail AM Strong Gales & Cloudy In 1st Reef of the Foresail Shiped a great Quantity of Water on deck Close reefed the Main Topsail got down Top Gallant yards & Struck Top Gallant masts .. Carried away the Strap of the Fore Top Sail sheet block Clewed the Topsail up & Handed it Set the Foresail clenched the lift round the Yard Arm Saw a number of Blue Petrils & Black birds with Straw Coloured Bills about the size of an Albetross & Port Egmont hens Straped & fitted the Fore Top sail Sheet block on the Yard At Noon Strong Gales & Hazey with a heavy Sea Providence NEbE 1½ Cables Served Sweet Wort & Portable Soup

Tuesday 6  Strong Gales & Hazey Shiped much Water on Deck Saw several Blue Petrils & Port Egmont Hens Set the Fore Topsail Close reefed Saw a great Quantity of Kelp at 11 Out 3rd. Reef of the Main Top Sails AM Fresh Gales & Hazey out 3rd & 2nd Reefs of the Fore Topsail & 3rd. of the Main Topsail & set all Reefs of the Fore Sail & Fore & Aft Mainsail Saw several Port Egmont Hens Blue Petrils & Quaker birds At Noon Moderate & thick Hazey Weather Providence in Company

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