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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Jan 26-29, 1792

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

January 1792

Thursday 26  Moderate & fine pleasant Weather PM Stowed away the Spare Sails in the Sail Room Sailmaker Employed enlarging the Old Fore Topsail Shortened Sail for the Providence AM Ditto Weather Made Sail Sailmaker Employed as before Unbent the Old Fore Top mast Staysail Scrubed the new One with Salt Water & rebent it At Noon Moderate & open Cloudy Weather Providence EbS 1 Mile Served Sourkrout & Vinegar

Friday 27  Moderate & open Cloudy Weather PM at ½ past 1 Shortened Sail & hove too Main Topsail to the Mast The Providence boat came on board for our Commander who went on board her on duty ¾ past bore up & made sail Sailmaker Employed as before at 7 Shortened Sail & hove too Main Topsail to the mast Our Commander Returned on board ½ past bore up & made Sail AM Light breezes & Hazey Sailmaker mending the Old Fore Topmast Staysail Saw a Quaker bird At Noon Fresh breezes & Fair Providence ESE 1 Mile Served Sourkrout &c

Saturday 28  Fresh breezes & Open Cloudy Weather PM Saw several Albetrosses a Sheerwater & a Blue Petril Sailmaker Enlarging the Old Fore Topsail & middle stitching the Fore Topmast Staysail AM Fresh breezes & Squally Made & Shortened Sail Occasionally Saw a Quaker bird & some Dark Sheerwaters At Noon Moderate & fine Weather Providence SE 2 Cables

Sunday 29  Moderate breezes & Hazey Sailmaker Employed on the Old Fore Topsail Saw a Quaker bird & several Sheerwaters Unbent the Old Fore & Main Topmast Staysails & bent the new Ones a long Swell from the WSW Made & Shortened Sail as necessary AM Moderate breezes & thick hazey Weather the wind shifted Suddenly to the SW Took in & set Studding Sails Occasionally Saw more dark Sheerwaters At Noon Fresh breezes & hazey Providence SEbE 1 Mile Served Portable Soup

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