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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Jan 10-12, 1792

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

January 1792

Tuesday 10  Moderate & fair Weather PM Sailmaker Employed middle Stitching the Old Jib made & shortened Sail Occasionally AM Ditto Weather at 10 Squally in Studding Sails & down Staysails at ¾ past 11 In Top Gallant Sails saw a Quaker bird & Some Blue Petrils ... Served Mutton to the Ships Company At Noon Fresh Gales & Hazey Providence NE 1 Cable

Wednesday 11  Strong Gales & Cloudy Weather with a heavy Sea Shiped much water on deck at ½ past 12 In 1st. & 2nd. Reef of the Fore Top Sail & Close reefed the Main Topsail Single reefed the Courses got down Top Gallant yards & struck Top Gallant masts Saw a Quaker bird & some Albetrosses ... Secured the Boats ... AM Ditto Weather at 8 more moderate Out 3rd. & 2nd. Reefs of the Main Topsail & 2nd. & 1st. of the Fore Topsail Saw several Albertrosses & a Tern At Noon Fresh Gales & Cloudy Providence South ½ a Cable served Portable Soup to the Ships Company

Thursday 12  Fresh breezes & Cloudy Sailmaker Employed repairing the Old Jib Saw a Cape Hen & a Sheerwater PM Out Reef of the Main Topsail & Swayed up Top Gallant masts at ½ past 4 Out Reef of the Square Main Sail .. Got up Top Gallant yards & set the Sails AM Moderate & Cloudy out Reef of the Foresail & Set Studding Sails at ½ past 8 Squally Split the lower Studding Sail at ½ past 10 Set another Studding Sail Saw a Quaker bird & some Albetrosses At Noon Strong Gales & fine clear Weather with a heavy following Sea Shiped much Water on Deck .. Saw a Whale .. Providence SbE 1½ Cables

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