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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Jan 1-6, 1792

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

January 1792

Sunday 1  Light Airs Inclinable to Calm PM at 5 Tacked Ship AM Fresh breezes & Cloudy fixed preventer Backstays to the Top Gallant masts At Noon Fresh Gales & Cloudy Providence SEbS 2 Cables

Monday 2  Fresh Gales & Fair Weather PM Made & Shortened Sail Occasionally Middle part Fresh Gales & Cloudy AM Fresh breezes cleaned below Dried the Spare Sails ... Served Sourkrout to the Ships Company At Noon Moderate & fair Weather Providence ESE 1½ Cables

Tuesday 3  Moderate & Clear PM Made & Shortened Sail Occasionally to keep in our Station AM Light breezes All Studding Sails set ... Served Vinegar to the Ships Company At Noon Moderate breezes & fine pleasant Weather Providence West ½ a Mile

Wednesday 4  Moderate & Clear PM Employed Occasionally AM Fresh breezes set up the Topmast Spring Stays Made & Shortened Sail Occasionally ... Served Sourkrout to the Ships Company At Noon Fresh breezes & Hazey with Small Rain Providence SSE 1½ Cables

Thursday 5  First part Fresh breezes & hazey with drizling Rain at ½ past 1 Fresh Gales & Squally In Studding Sails Staysails & Top Gallant Sails 1st. & 2nd. Reefs of the Fore Topsail & 1st. Reef of the Main Topsail ... Split the Jib unbent it & bent the new one ... Shiped a great quantity of Water on deck at 8 Ditto Weather with fierce Lightning AM Fresh breezes & Squally at ½ past 3 more moderate Set Top Gallant Sail .. Out Reefs of the Topsails & set Staysails Studding Sails & Main Royal Saw a Quaker bird & a Tern Sailmaker Employed fitting a Quarter Deck Awning At Noon Providence SE½E ¾ of a Mile

Friday 6  Moderate & fair Sailmaker Employed mending the old Jib Saw a flock of Sea Swallows & several Albetrosses at ¾ past 3 the Providence made the Signal to come within hail Answered Ditto & Shortened Sail for the Providence AM Moderate & Cloudy Saw a Quaker bird & 2 hump backed Whales Sailmaker repairing the Sails Served Sourkrout & Portable Soup to the Ships Company ... Cleaned below .. At Noon Ditto Weather Providence NWbN 1½ Miles

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