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Revised Sep 17 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Feb 9-10, 1793

[Remarks on board H.M.S. Providence – moored in] Port Royal Harbour – Jamaica  END

♄ [Saturday] February 9th 1793 Light Airs & fair Weather Numbers of People on board to see the Plants, so much so, that the common Civility of going round the Ship with them and explaining the Plants became by its frequency rather troublesome – Boats – Boats hoisted in and the regular Duty of the Evening performed as usual. AM. Cleaned below – at 8:30 the Governor came on board to see the Ship, saluted him with 19 Guns and with an equal Number on his leaving us – Fresh Beef got this Morning as usual. Dryed Sails.
Winds – the usual Sea and land Breezes.
Thermometer – At 4 – 78° 8 – 76½° AM. 8 – 74° Noon 80°

☉ [Sunday] 10th Light Sea Breeze & fine Weather Launch returned from Rockfort with Water – it is 4 or 5 Miles above Kingston and generally takes a Day to go up and down – the Air at this Place is so unhealthy that the Troops quartered there are relieved every two or three Weeks, and no Person has been know n to survive more than two or three years there as a constant resident – AM. Ship cleaned & fresh Beef got as usual – nothing particular done or going on.

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