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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Feb 24, 1792

Remarks Friday February 24th 1792

 1 pm: Cloudy Weather & hazey on the Horison

 3 pm: Fitted a Martingale to the Jib-boom

 4 pm: Our People returned from the Assistant, she being all ready for Sea

 6 pm: At ½ past 6 Weighed and stood into the Bay to give the ship way, then Tacked and stood out towards Cape Frederick Henry in Company with the Assistant – At 7 Hoisted in the Cutter mnd At 8 the high Land over Penguin Island called the Fluted Cape bore SbW 1′

11 pm: Light Airs – before nine a Breeze sprung up – At 11 A heavy Squall came on – In Top gallant Sails and close reefed the Topsails – Splitt the Jib and unbent it

 3 am: Strong Gales with hard Squalls and some Rain – Saw some Seals & Porpoises – Made & shortened Sail as the Wind permitted

 6 am: At Day break the Land seen from the Mast head about the Fluted Cape bearing NW

 8 am: Very heavy Squalls with Rain handed the Fore & Mizen topsails – down Top gallant yards

10 am: Got the Small Sails down out of the tops

12 noon: At Noon Strong Gales and Squally – Under Courses
The Assistant in Company

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