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Revised Sep 17 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Jan 27, 1793

Remarks &c in Kings-town Bay – St Vincent

☉ [Sunday] January 27th Moderate Breezes & fair Weather Some Water received by the Launch – the Majority of the People washing and mending their Clothes – Some Sloops from Barbadoes spoke with who say that they are impressing there and a Declaration of War is daily expected. Fine Night AM. At 1 Henry Smith the Armourer fell overboard and was drownded. it is an unaccountable thing that this Man was not saved, for altho' ropes were thrown down upon him he did not take Hold of them, this led some to think it was his intention. it is certain he was not in the least intoxicated, he had went to bed in the Evening as usual and at the above mentioned Time came up to make water, but how he could fall over board, nobody can account. he kept above water till he drifted astern, and then sunk without having once spoke. no Papers of any kind were found intimating such an Intention, but some Expressions he had used might be construed into such. he was an ingenious Man in Mathematical Instruments &c in the former Part of the Voyage he had fallen under the Captain who had taken away his Warrant. – Fine Weather Squalls of Wind & Rain off the Land at Times – Launch employed watering – Fresh Beef received on board and served to the Ships Company as before – The Botanists and other Officers on shore upon their respective Duties as usual. At Noon Fine Weather We went out with a Boat to get a Meridian Altitude but were unfortunately too late, being deceived by the Glasses on board – Spruce Beer for the Ships Company as usual every other Day here as well as at Sea.

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