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Revised Sep 17 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Jan 25-26, 1793

Remarks on board H.M.S. Providence – Moored

♀ [Friday] January 25th 1793 Moderate Breezes & fair Weather – the Launch loaded with Plants and sent on shore in the cool of the Evening and returned loaded with Plants from Doctor Anderson's botanic Garden. – Two Loads of Water received by the Launch in the Course of the Afternoon – Unbent the Foresail. – The Captain and most of the Officers on shore at a public Dinner given by the Governor and Council to all the Officers of the Providence & Assistant. – Towards Night it became rainy and disagreable weather they say on shore that they have not had so much rain a long time as has fallen the last two Days. this is the same Case as at St Helena, immediately we get the Plants on shore it begins to rain so that Providence seems to favour the undertaking to the [Coast?] – AM. Light Breezes with frequent Puffs off the Land accompanied with Showers of rain – The Launch loaded with Plants and sent on shore soon after Day break – she returned loaded as before – Fresh Beef received this Morning which I understand is a Present to us from the Council. – People stowiing away in the Holds. Sailmakers repairing Sails.

♄ [Saturday] January 26th Moderate Breezes & fair Weather – Great Quantities leaping and flying about the Bay particularly flying Fish which go in whole Shoals and fly up like Sparrows from a Corn field when pursued by Dolphinsquall and other large Fish, some brown Boobies and other Birds are constantly sailing about to catch the poor flying fish when they take to their Wings. A few Plants sent on shore by the Cutter – Water received on board by the Launch – Fine pleasant Evening – Cleared Hawse – Light Breezes off the Land and clear Moonlight Night AM. Boats hoisted out at Daybreak and other necessary Duty performed – received some Plants from Doctor Andersons Garden by the Cutter. Launch off at Day break watering. People on board employed in the Holds &c – Loosed Sails. Washed and cleaned the Ship below fore and aft. Gunners and Carpenters scraping and cleaning the Guns below for painting – Heavy clouds hanging over the Land and threatning rain – Furled Sails. At Noon Light Breeze off the Land and cloudy Weather – I had some Intention of going out in a Boat where we could have a clear Horizon to get a Meridian Altitude as I do not find it well laid down any where, if the Weather had been favourable.

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