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Revised Sep 17 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Jan 14, 1793

Remarks ☽ [Monday] January 14th 1793 H.M.S. Providence

 1 pm: Fresh Gale and fair Weather with Haze

 2 pm: Set Top Gallant sails and out second reef of the Topsails. – Saw some flying fish.

 4 pm: Ditto Weather Splitt the Fore Top Gallant sail – unbent it and bent the new one.

 6 pm: Pumps worked as usual.

 8 pm: Cloudy Weather

12 mid: Steady fresh Gale. In Top Gallant sails, the Assistant dropping astern.

 3 am: Set them again when she came up.

 4 am: Strong Gales and Squally Weather took in the Top Gallant sails. Saw numbers of flying fish, three caught in the Fore chains

 7 am: Set Top Gallant sails again.

 8 am: Steady Gale and cloudy Weather

 9 am: Unbent the Main Topsail to repair. – Out 2nd reef of the Fore topsail and set the Lower and Fore Top Mast Studding sails. – Bent a new Main Top Gallant sail.

10 am: Marines exercised at small Arms with Powder – the Assistant considerably astern Made her Signal to make more sail, which she answered – At 11 Set the Main Topsail with two reefs in – The Effects of Thomas Galloway deceased sold at the Mast by Auction

12 noon: At Noon Fresh Gale and thick hazey Weather Sun peeping thro at Times, but our Observation was not very good Assistant in Company

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