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Revised Sep 17 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Dec 18, 1792

Remarks on board H.M.S. Providence

 1 pm: Moderate Breezes & fine Weather At 1 Tripped the Best Bower warped farther in shore with a Kedge and let go the Small Bower in 13 Fathom mud and sandy Bottom. veered away and moored Ship EbyS and WestbN a Cable on the Small and ½ on the Best Bower. Out Bearings are – NW or Horse pasture Point S [blank] W [blank] Miles – Great Fort up the Hill (Ladder Hill) S [blank] W – St James's Church S[blank]E and Flag staff S[blank]E [blank] Miles – the North or Sugar loaf Point N66°East [blank] Miles – the Best Bower in 19 Fathoms
Ships Draught of Water Forward 14 Feet: 6 Inches Aft 15: 6
Got Top Gallant Studding sail Booms off the yards, unbent the old and bent the second best Fore and Mizen topsails – Sent old Sails and spars ashore by the Launch to erect a Tent near the Landing place for the Convenience of the Waterers – the Cooper sent with his Tools and some empty Casks – The Captain ashore in the Pinnace, saluted on his landing with 13 Guns – At Sunset – Down Top Gallant yards – AM Light Airs and cloudy with drizling Rain at Times – Began starting salt Water forward unstowing the After Hold and stowing the Spirit room – The Steward and some Hands sent on shore to gather Water cresses for the People. Many Mackrel brought on board by the shore Boats and more caught on board by Hook and Line. Captain Bligh & several of the Officers, with the two Otaheiteans on shore in their Native dress, much pleased with the Band and our European military Parade; particularly with the little Drummers, which they laughed heartily at.

12 noon: At Noon Moderate Breezes & Cloudy Weather

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