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Revised Sep 17 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Dec 17, 1792

Remarks ☽ [Monday] 17th Off the Island St Helena

 1 pm: Light Breezes & Cloudy Weather Passed many Nautili in the Water

 4 pm: Ditto Weather Sun seen at Intervals. At ¾ past 5 Saw the Island St Helena bearing W½Squall 8 or 10 Leagues. Made the Signal to the Assistant for seeing Land in that Quarter

 8 pm: Light Airs. Took in the Main Topmast Studding sail.

10 pm: Light Breezes & Cloudy Weather In Studding sails, Top Gallant Sails and Courses

12 mid: Ditto Weather First reefed the Main & Mizen and 2nd reefed the Fore topsail. At ¼ past 1 Hove to head to the Southward the Island in sight high Land.

 4 am: At Day light (5h) St Helena bore West 3 or 4 Leagues – ½ past 5 Wore Ship. hoisted out the Boats, unstowed the Anchors & ranged the Cables. Mr Guthrie (2nd Lieutenant) sent ashore in the Whale boat to wait upon Lieutenant Colonel Brooke the Governor and to report the Arrival of the Ships – At ¾ past 6 Bore away for the Island which has a barren, mountainous, inhospitable Appearance. At 8 The extremes of the Island S24°W to West the North or Sugar Loaf Point about 6 or 7 Miles – At 9½ abreast of the first Battery, 2nd reefed the Main Topsail. saw two Ships in the road – At 10 We were saluted from Munden fort up the Hill with 15 Guns and returned an equal Number – At 10¼ Anchored with Best Bower in 13 Fathoms soft Ground. Veered out the ½ Cable Service & furled Sails. Found laying here the British Tar Whaler — Fitch Master and the ——— a French Ship, who weighed about ½ an Hour after and stood to the Westward – Cloudy Weather and Puffs of Wind off the Land – Several Officers and Gentlemen from the shore on board – Anchor Bearings – the NW or Horse Pasture Point S64°W 3 or 4 Miles – Great Fort up the Hill (Ladder Hill) SbW½W – Church and Flag Staff S6°W ¾′ – Sugar loaf Point N69°East 1½ or 2 Miles

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