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Revised Sep 17 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Dec 4, 1792

Remarks ♂[Tuesday] December 4th 1792 H.M.S. Providence

 1 pm: Cloudy Weather a long Swell from the WSW

 2 pm: Saw several Whales spouting near the Ship.

 3 pm: Light Breezes – People employed occasionally

 4 pm: Ditto Weather

 5 pm: Water let into the Ship and pumps worked as usual to ventilate the Ship below

 8 pm: Fair Weather Tacked Ship

12 mid: Moderate Breezes & fine Weather

 2 am: Fresh Breezes and threatning Weather Took in the Top Gallant sails and double reefed the Topsails

 4 am: Very squally – Found the Starboard fore and both main topsail sheets gone, clued up the Sails, knotted the Sheets & set them again – Third reefed the Topsails. Got down Top Gallant yards and struck the Fore Top Gallant Mast. Saw several Whales and many Sea Birds about. Fresh Gales & thick Weather A Pintado caught.

11 am: People employed upon occasional Duty.

12 noon: At Noon – Fresh Gales & thick misty Weather
Assistant in Company
A Cask of Spruce broached

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