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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Oct 23, 1792

Remarks Tuesday October 23rd H.M.S. Providence

 1 pm: Fresh Gale and Dark Cloudy Weather

 2 pm: Artificers and People employed in their respective callings

 4 pm: Ditto Weather

 5 pm: In studding sails Top Gallant sails and 2nd reefs

 8 pm: Dark cloudy Weather Shortened and made Sail for the Assistant to keep in her Station

10 pm: Heavy Sea running from the SE and Ship rolling considerably

 2 am: Heavy Squalls with Showers of small rain

 4 am: Ditto Weather In 3rd reef of the Topsails – Furled the Mizen topsail

 6 am: Heavy Sea – shipped some Water

 8 am: Strong Gales – Set the Mizen topsail Out 3rd reefs – and set the Mizen Top Gallant sail – Hoisted the Cutter onn the Skids and stowed her in the Larboard Waist – Secured the Booms with preventer Lashings – Unbent the Main Top mast staysail for the Sailmakers to repair – Saw a flock of Birds

12 noon: At Noon Strong Gales and thick cloudy Weather some Spells of rain and very Hazey
Assistant ahead

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