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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Oct 10, 1792

Remarks Wednesday October 10th 1792 H.M.S. Providence



Two small Islands on with Pulo Karee N52½E 3 or 4 Miles and N48°E 6 or 8 Miles – A Point opened with the North Point of [Timor?] S71°W 3′ another at S34°W 5′ or 6′ on the East side of the North Point the Land runs away South forming a Bay with the NE Point 2′ or 3′ deep where there is Anchorage Pulo Karee and the North Point of Samow in a Line S77°W 3 or 4 Leagues distant
At 8 Timor N¾E 6 Leagues to SbE½E on with Pulo Samow in the NE [Point/Part] the other Extreme of Samow S55°W 6 Miles – Pulo Karee S84°# 5′ – Coepang Town SE 6′ or 7′

At Noon

Pulo Samou S6°E 4 or 5 Leagues S85°E (the North Point) 3 Leagues the High Mountain of Timor in sight but could not distinguish any Points to set it

 1 pm: Fresh Breezes and fine Weather clearing Ship for Sea – The Launch sent on shore with the few empty Casks to fill – when she returned Hoisted her in Received on board two Carabous or Buffaloes by the Assistants Launch – this Afternoon Natal de [Verge?] an Italian, took charge of the Ship as Pilot, to take her out of the Bay

 3 am: Hands turned up – Hove short, weighed the Kedge and got up Top Gallant yards

 5 am: At 5:30 Weighed under single reefed Topsails – Saluted the Fort with 13 Guns as did the Assistant – An equal Number returned – Lead constantly going – Got no Soundings with 30 Fathoms of Line

 8 am: Moderate Breezes and fine Weather At 8:40 Hove to returned the Assistants Launch and received the four Men from her who were lent in the Streights – In Boats – At 9:10 Bore up and made sail – The Pilot left us – Fresh Beef served – At Noon Moderate Breezes and fair Weather Pulo Samou the nearest Land, distant 3 Leagues
The Assistant leading

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