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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Sep 29, 1792

Remarks Saturday September 29th 1792 H.M.S. Providence

 1 pm: Moderate Breezes and fair Weather All Sail set

 3 pm: Took in the Lee Studding sails

 4 pm: Fresh Breezes

 5 pm: Before Dark – In Studding sails Top Gallant sails and 2nd reef of the topsails – Spoke the Assistant – All well, nothing remarkable seen or happened – Tryed for Soundings with 100 Fathom Line, no Ground.

 8 pm: Ditto Weather A long still Swell from the ESE

12 mid: Fresh Breezes and clear Moonlight Night

 4 am: Moderate Breezes

 5 am: At Day break – rather Hazey. Out reefs and set Studding sails

 6 am: Saw great Numbers of flying Fish and a Tropic Bird – Swell from the ENE

 8 am: Moderate Breezes and fine Weather

 9 am: Ships Company shifting their Hammocks and airing their Bedding

10 am: Cooper repairing Casks

12 noon: Moderate Breezes and rather Hazey – In Studding sails and hauled to the Wind on the Starboard Tack, to make the Land – Saw three Curlieus
The Assistant ahead leading

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