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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Sep 27, 1792

Remarks Thursday September 27th H.M.S. Providence

 1 pm: Moderate Breezes and fair Weather

 2 pm: Employed filling Salt Water and about the Cables

 3 pm: Saw some Gannet Boobies

 4 pm: Ditto Weather

 6 pm: At 6 Lieutenant Portlock returned in the Whale boat In Studding sails Top Gallant sails and 1st reefs – hoisted in the Boat and sounded in 72 Fathoms Light Coloured Sand and Shells

 8 pm: Fair Weather

10 pm: No Soundings with 30 Fathoms

12 mid: Ditto Weather Sounded 71 Fathom Sand, Shells and black stones

 4 am: Ditto Weather

 5 am: At Daybreak Out reefs and made all Sail after the Assistant

 6 am: Saw a Bird like a Snipe and a Tropic Bird

 8 am: Moderate Breezes and fine Weather

 9 am: People employed about the Cables and in the Fore Hold filling Salt water and getting fresh to Hand

11 am: Measured the Log and Deepsea Lines – Saw flying Fish

12 noon: Fresh Breezes and fair Weather
The Assistant ahead leading

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