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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Sep 15, 1792

Remarks Saturday 15th Off the South Coast of New Guinea

 1 pm: Fresh Gales and very hazey Weather

 2 pm: People employed about the Cable and refitting the ground Tackling

 4 pm: Hove in the half Cable Service – found the Cable rubbed – Got up Lower yards

 6 pm: At 6 Weighed to shift our Birth the whale boat leading at 6.15 Tacked at 6.30 Anchored in 6¼ Fathoms soft Ground with Best Bower – The Brothers bearing S64°E to S55°E – Island G or Maitea N3°E

 9 pm: Hoisted in the Whale Boat and veered out a whole Cable

11 pm: Carpenters repairing the Whale boat

12 mid: Fresh Gales and Cloudy Weather

 3 am: At 3 the Tide began to make to Westward – Hove in the half Cable Service – Hoisted out the Whale boat and sent her to the Brig – At 6 She got under Weigh to explore to the Southward – Veered out the whole Cable Service at 8 when the Tide made to Leeward

 8 am: Strong Gales and very Hazey – much sea and Ship pitching – A Shower of rain – Struck the Lower yards Fair Weather Loosed the small Sails to dry – Employed rounding the Small Bower

11 am: At 11:30 The Assistant brought up, bearing West about 3 Miles

12 noon: At Noon Fresh Gales and hazey Weather

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