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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Sep 13, 1792

Remarks Thursday September 13th 1792 H.M.S. Providence Amongst Islands off the South Coast of New Guinea

 1 pm: Moderate Breezes and fair Weather Sent the Whale boat and Cutter to explore to Leeward betwixt U the Shoals and Island T

 4 pm: Fresh Breezes

 5 pm: Struck Top gallant Masts – At 7 the Boats returned and were hoisted in – the Officers that were in them reported the Soundings near T to be regular but shallow generally about 5 Fathom hard Ground, but they had gone too far to the Northward for the intended Passage – At 8 Strong Gales & Cloudy Weather

12 mid: More Moderate & a tolerable fine Night

 4 am: Fresh Breezes and cloudy Weather At 4 the Boats hoisted out and sent with the 2nd Lieutenant to explore the Passage round the reefs to the Southward

 6 am: People breakfasted early, employed upon occasional Duty

 8 am: Washed and cleaned below fore aft – Squally Weather

 9 am: A Turtle, many Fish and Birds seen – About 11 the Boats returned, the Passage tolerably clear, deeper Water and good anchor Ground

12 noon: At Noon Fresh Breezes and very black from the East round to the North
   The Assistant in Company

Q or Maitea Island September 12th at 10 AM Distant about 5 Leagues

The Appearance of this Island is something like Maitea which I have mentioned before. I can say but little of it I suppose its Circumference is about [blank] Miles, its Latitude will be [blank] South and Longitude [blank] East of Greenwich by the Time Keepers

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