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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Aug 8, 1792

Remarks Wednesday August 8th H.M.S. Providence Amongst unknown Islands in the great South Sea

 1 pm: Moderate Breeze and fine Weather

 2 pm: In Steering sails – In 1st Reefs

 4 pm: Extremes of R N19° to N40°W Q NE½N O ENE Saw Land from the Mast head bearing NEbN

 5 pm: Spoke the Assistant – All well on board

 6 pm: At 6 Tacked Ship – Island S S85°W 9 Leagues Weather part of R NW – Q NE distant 4 Leagues O East 3 Leagues – Sounded with 85 Fathoms no Ground

10 pm: Light Airs & Cloudy Weather

12 mid:Odot bears NE½E

 4 am:Odot bears NEbE½E

 5 am: At Daybreak the Whale boat sent on board the Assistant for Mr Portlock AT 6 O N55°E 6 or 7 Leagues Saw Island U S60°W and V S40°W

 8 am: Island O N53°E 8 Leagues R N6°E to N11°W 8 Leagues S N61° to N73°W U S65°W 5 Leagues V S47 to S54°W 6 or 7 Leagues – dark cloudy Weather

 9 am: At 9 Mr Portlock returned in the Whale boat – Saw Smokes upon U and V

12 noon: At Noon – Island V S67° to S43°W 4 or 5 Leagues U S83° to N83°W 3 Leagues S N43° to N33°W 7 or 8 Leagues R bore North – An Island seen from the Mast head SSE½E 8 or 10 Leagues
Assistant in Company ahead

O or Gibraltar Rock at Sunset August 8th Distant about 3 Leagues

This Island is very small and appears to be merely a Rock supposed to bear some resemblance to that of Gibralter. we saw a few Trees upon the low part of it but no Sign of Inhabitants – It is in Latitude [blank] and Longitude [blank] East of Greenwich by the Lunar

Q with the Keys off it taken at the same Time Distant 4 Leagues

This Island is surrounded to the Wesward by a reef which incloses three Keys from [blank] to [blank] Miles distant from the Island. We saw nothing like Inhabitants, indeed it is not more than [blank] Miles in Circumference. It is in Latitude [blank] and Longitude [blank] East of Greenwich

R at the same Time Distant [blank] Leagues

This appears to be a very large Island not less I suppose than [blank] Miles in Circumference, but we were too far from it and the Weather too hazey to distinguish it particularly – in Latitude [blank] and Longitude [blank] East

S at 10 AM August 8th Distant about 6 Leagues

This is likewise an Island of considerable Size but whether inhabited or no we could not tell – it will be in Latitude [blank] and Longitude [blank] East of Greenwich by the Lunar Observation

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