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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Aug 7, 1792

Remarks Tuesday August 7th Providence Amongst new discovered Islands – In the great South Sea

 1 pm: Pleasant Breezes and fine clear Weather Smokes upon the Island C which appears to be larger than the others – A sailing Canoe after us

 4 pm: Island L from S40 to S52°W M North to N8°E – C North 64° to N72°E – Spoke the Assistant

 5 pm: At Sunset – M from N15° to 25°E 6 or 7 Leagues – C N72 to N79°E 8 or 9 Leagues – L S5° to S12°W 4 or 5 Leagues N N21°W – In Studding sails and 1st reefs

 8 pm: Hove too Main topsail to the Mast

12 mid: Wore Ship – L SE½E M NE½N

 2 am: Gunner in the Magazine

 4 am:M and L in Sight

 5 am: Out 1st Reefs and set Studding sails

 6 am: At 6 Island L S42°E 5 Leagues M N58 to 65°E 5 Leagues N N5° to N13°E 6 Leagues O N16°W P seen from the Mast head SW½S

 8 am: Island O N12°W – N N23° to N34°E 5 Leagues – M N76° to N80°E 7 Leagues  Washed below fore and aft – People making Spun yarn

 9 am: ½ past 9 Saw land from N34°W to North called Q & R.

11 am: ½ past 11 Saw two Islands from Mast heads NW & SW, two others NNE & NEbN

12 noon: At Noon – Ditto Weather – R N22° to N32°W Q N14°E O N26°E [blank] Leagues N N88°E [blank] Leagues A Cask of Spruce broached
   Assistant in Company

L at Sunset August 7th PM 4 or 5 Leagues distant

This appears to be a fine Island but we were not near enough to distinguish it particularly, not did we see any Signs of Inhabitants. it is about [blank] Miles in Circumference and is in Latitude [blank] and Longitude [blank] by the Lunar Observation brought forward by Time Keepers

M at the same Time distant 6 or 7 Leagues

This Island as well as L we could not tell much off, on account of its Distance. it is about [blank] Miles in Circumference and in Latitude [blank] and Longitude [blank] by the Lunar East of Greenwich

P from the Mast head ¾ past 6 AM August 7th distant [blank] or [blank] Leagues

This Island was a greater Distance from us than the other two, when we were nearest it. I cannot pretend to say of what Size it is, but I think it could not be bigger than L or M it will be nearly in Latitude [blank] and Longitude [blank] East of Greenwich

N at Noon August 7th distant [blank] or [blank] Leagues

This Island is about [blank] Miles in Circumference but whether inhabited or no we could not tell, it will be in Latitude [blank] and Longitude [blank] East of Greenwich according to the Lunar taken off the Island A brought forward by the Time Keepers

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