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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Mar 26, 1792

Remarks Monday March 26th 1792 Providence

 1 pm: Light Breezes and fair Weather A still [swell] from the South Westward

 3 pm: Saw some Sheerwaters and a few Albatrosses

 5 pm: Worked the Pumps as usual

 6 pm: Before Dark in 1st Reefs

 8 pm: Light Breezes and Cloudy Weather A Fire all Night in the Galley to air the Ship

12 mid: Moderate Breezes & Cloudy Weather a Man out at the Bow sprit end to look out and relieved every half Hour as usual

 3 am: Squally – In Top Gallant sails

 4 am: Fresh Breezes and Cloudy Weather

 6 am: The Upper Deck washed as usual

 8 am: Fresh Breezes and dark cloudy Weather Cleaned below and aired the Cockpits with Stoves – Wort at the usual Time

10 am: Thick Squally Weather with Rain. In 2nd Reef of the Topsails. Sent down the Main top gallant yard Carried away the Jib-guy – Hauled down the Jib

12 noon: Thick Squally Weather
The Assistant in Company

I ahve omitted mentioning the Treatment of the Ships Company with respect to Provisions, but as it is a thing which ought particularly to be attended to, especially on long Voyages like the present one, I think it necessary to give an Account of them as they were issued dayly, which may serve as a Pattern to future Navigators, as I make no Doubt but it is nearly a Copy from Captain Cook, whose Attention in preserving the Health of his Men was unremitted, how far he succeeded, the World is acquainted, and it will stand my Excuse for not mentioning it in my Log, at least untill some material Alteration is made –

From Adventure Bay on Monday. For Breakfast, Water Gruel with 2 pounds 4 ounces of Portable Soup in it, for Dinner 6 pound of Bore Cole, 2 pound 6 ounces of Portable Soup and 4 Pints of Oatmeal made into Soup – On Tuesday. Water Gruel for Breakfast #Portable Soup as yesterday and ½ pint Sour Krout per Man, for which each Man is served ½ pint Vinegar on Mondays – On Wednesday a hot Breakfast as before ½ pint Sour Krout and for Dinner 4 pounds of Bore cole in the Pea-Soup – On Thursday. A hot Breakfast as before. Sour Krout, and Bore Cole in the Pease for Dinner – On Friday. A hot Breakfast 2 pound 3 ounces of Portable Soup and 10 Quarts of Sour Krout in the Peasoup for Dinner. On Saturday A hot Breakfast with Portable Soup as before, ½ pint Sour Krout per Man – On Sunday. A hot Breakfast, ½ pint of Sour Krout per Man and 4 pounds of Bore Cole in the Peasoup for Dinner –

This is what was issued in Addition to the general Allowance of the Navy, to which may be added an Infusion of Malt which was generally served at five Bells every day, and sometimes a Puncheon of Spruce Beer, but then the grog was stopped, both these I have mentioned every Day in the Log.

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