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Revised Sep 3 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Jun 24, 1793

Remarks &c 24th June 1793

 1 pm: Moderate breezes and fine weather with haze.

 4 pm: Fresh breezes and hazy

 5 pm: At 5·30 Assistant made the signal for seeing land bearing Sb@ – At 5·40 saw the land from the Top Mast head bearing from SWbS to SbE

 6 pm: At 6.30 extremes of the land from SWbW to SbE½E. Pan of Matanzas SbW½W, off shore 4 or 5 leagues

 7 pm: At 7 in 2nd reef Top Sails and Tacked ship – Handed Main sail and up Fore Sail

10 pm: At 10 spoke the Antelope Packet, in company with the Thomas & Clementson, these 3 vessels which had departed with us off Cape Antonio, were detained by the Clementson's carrying away her Fore Top Mast in a squall – Stood under an easy sail all night, intending to go into the Havanna in the morning, to look for the Honduras Convoy &c.&c.

 4 am: Set Courses and bent the new Mizen Top sail.

 6 am: At 6 extremes of the land from SEbS to SW, off shore 7 or 8 leagues – Out 2nd. reefs. A strange ship and brig in sight to leeward. At 7.15 shortened sail and sent the small Cutter for Lieutenant Portlock.

 8 am: At 8 Pointa de Yacos Eastermost extremes S78°E to S70°W, off shore about 3 leagues. Pan de Matanzas S42°W, and Matanzas Bay SSw. The Cameraque Hills S36°E – Sounded 130 fathoms no ground

11 am: At 11 Tacked ship and made sail, Pan of Matanzas S44°W. westermost extremes of Point de Yacos S77°W, Eastermost extremes S85°E. Westermost point of Bay of Matanzas S19°W, off shore about 3 leagues

12 noon: Fresh breezes and fair weather with haze. Assistant Prize Schooner, Antelope, Thomas & Clementson in company
   Latitude Observed 23°·17′ North.
 At Noon – Pan of Matanzas S30°W. Point de Yacos SE¾E. Westermost land in sight SWbW distance off shore 4 or 5 leagues
At day light we found ourselves about 30 miles to the Eastward of what we expected, consequently prevent [raising?] the Havanna, we allowed the [percent?] to run about 20 miles [per?] [?]

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