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Revised Sep 3 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Jun 5-6, 1793

Remarks &c moored in Bluefield's Bay

June 1793

Wednesday 5th. First and latter parts fresh breezes and fair weather with haze, middle part moderate breezes with much lightning – At 1 PM. fired 21 Guns in Honor of His Majesty's Birth-day. At 3 weighed to shift our berth. At ½ past brought up with the small Bower in 5 fathoms, white sand and chalky bottom. Veered away and moored ship SE and NW, ½ a Cable each way – Tavern bearing EbN about 1 & ½ miles. Shipping in Savanna la Mar WNW. Westermost part of the Bay W¾N and Eastermost part SEbS, 2 miles. Rounded 7 fathoms of the small Bower Cable – At 4 AM sent the Launch on shore with empty water Casks, and a party in the Cutter to haul the Seine. At 8 the Cutter returned with very few Fish. Unbent the Mainsail. received a turn of water per Launch. Washed below – Sailmakers employed fitting Screens for the Officers Cabins. The Dolphin Head, when moored bearing N33°·30′ W

Thursday 6th. First and latter parts fresh breezes and fair with haze – middle part light breezes with lightning to the Sourthward and Westward. PM unbent the small Sails, and sent on shore empty Casks, with the Cooper to repair them. AM Sailmakers employed making screens; people working up Junk. Cleaned below. Carpenters employed occasionally. Sent a party on shore to gather Water Cresses for the Ships Company

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