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Revised Sep 3 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Apr 15-17, 1793

Remarks &c Moored in Port Royal.

April 1793

Monday 15th. Moderate breezes and fair weather all these 24 hours. At 2 arrived a french Brig & Schooner, prizes to H. M. Ship Hyana, made the signal, and the signal for a Kitterine. At 4 anchored here H. M. Ship Proserpine with a ship and schooners, prizes to her and the Penelope, made the signal to the Penn., At daylight sailed for Falmouth, the Duke of Cumberland Packet: sent by her two monthly Account Books, and Quarterly Accounts of Provisions. Sailmakers and Carpenters employed at the Yard. At 9 made the signal for a Kitterine. Mustered the ships company and took an account of their Clothes. received 110 pounds of fresh Beef. returned the supernumerary Marine to the Proserpine

Tuesday 16th. First and latter parts moderate breezes and fair weather middle part calm and cloudy. AM Sailmakers and Carpenters on shore as usual. Sent a Launch from the Yard for a turn of water. Washed between Decks, and received fresh Beef. Made the Proserpine's signal for a Midshipman

Wednesday 17th. Light breezes and fair weather all these 24 hours. Pm received a turn of water mentioned in yesterday's log. Employed stowing it away &c. At day light sailed on a cruize H. M. Ship Proserpine. Sailmakers and Carpenters employed on shore at the Yard, on various articles for the Squadron. Gunners employed making Wads &c. Loosed Sails to dry. received fresh Beef (116 pounds) – Furled sails before the sea breeze set in

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