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Revised Sep 3 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Apr 12-14, 1793

Remarks &c moored in Port Royal.

April 1793

Friday 12th. First part moderate breezes with heavy showers of rain, middle part light breezes and cloudy, latter part moderate and fair. AM Discharged into H. M. Schooner Spitfire, 4 seamen who were volunteers for her. At midnight the Spitfire, Lieutenant Perkins, sailed on a cruize. AM Carpenters and Sailmakers at the Yard, employed to expedite the fitting of other vessels as well as our own. People employed washing their Clothes. Loosed sails to dry. received 151 pounds of fresh Beef – At [blank] made the signal for a Messenger to Greenwich. Furled sails

Saturday 13th. First part moderate breezes and dark cloudy weather middle part moderate and fair, latter part strong breezes. PM. arrived a schooner, prize to the Proserpine: made the signal accordingly, and for a Messenger. Entered 3 Volunteers. AM. Sailmakers and Carpenters employed at the Yard; People scrubbing their Hammocks. Loosed sails to dry. received only 30 pounds of fresh Beef. Washed below. Furled sails. Answered the signal made from the Penn, for a Petty Officer

Sunday 14th. Moderate breezes and fair weather all these 24 hours. PM. Carpenters & Sailmakers at the Yard. AM cleaned below and mustered in Divisions At 11 made the signal for a Ketterine. Answered ye signal for a Lieutenant. Arrived the private Armed Sloop, Marlborough, commanded by Lieutenant James; with 2 schooners, prizes. received 109 pounds of fresh Beef. Anchored here from Kingston, the Duke of Cumberland, Packet, for Falmouth

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