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Revised Sep 3 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Mar 21-24, 1793

Remarks &c Moored in Port Royal

Thursday 21st. Moderate breezes and fair wre these 24 hours. AM sailmakers employed at the Yard, Carpenters painting the stern and seamen in the Fore Hold. Launch employed watering the ship

Friday 22nd. First part moderate breezes and fine weather middle and latter parts light breezes. AM. Sailmakers repairing sails at the Yard, Carpenters employed on board and painting the ship. Sailors in the After Hold and scraping the upper Deck – received and served out to the ships company 107 pounds of fresh Beef

Saturday 23rd. Light breezes and fair weather throughout this day. PM received and stowed in the After Hold, Spirit Room, and Fish room, 5 tons of sand Ballast. AM Sailmakers at the Yard, Carpenters from the Yard employed on board, and seamen and Carpenters of the ship employed painting her. received and served 107 pounds of Beef. Up all Chests and Bags and washed the Gun, Orlop, & Cockpit Decks

Sunday 24th. First part fresh breezes and hazy weather Middle and latter parts moderate breezes. Employed painting ship, Sailmakers at the Yard repairing sails, and Carpenters from thence employed on board. Cleaned below. received and served 107 pounds of fresh Beef. Mustered in Divisions –
Ships Draught of Water Foreward 15 Feet· 3 Inches Abaft 15· 6

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