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Revised Sep 3 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Mar 12-15, 1793

Remarks &c Moored in Port Royal

March 1793

Tuesday 12th. First and latter parts fresh breezes and fine weather middle part moderate breezes. PM received Powder per Launch and large Cutter. AM. Employed overhauling the rigging, scraping the starboard side, and stowing the Spirit Room. Struck the Gunners Tent. received 95 pounds of fresh Beef and served it to the ships company. Answered the signal for a Petty Officer. received on board from [?] [Dollingson?] the Contractor 36 bags of Bread 112 pounds each, and 4 Cags [kegs] of Salt 316 pounds

Wednesday 13th First and latter parts fresh breezes and fair middle part moderate breezes – PM Swayed up the Fore Top Mast and employed about the rigging. Scraped the larboard side, and at work in the Spirit room. received a turn of water per Launch. Caulkers on the ships sides as before and in the Cabbin – Sailmakers, Carpenters, and Armourer employed on shore at the Yard. received and served out fresh beef, some remaining for tomorrow

Thursday 14th. Moderate breezes and fair weather all these 24 hours. AM. Caulkers employed occasionally, people about the rigging and blacking the Yards. Received on board from the Yard, a sheet Anchor. Sailmakers &c. employed on shore in the sail loft. Up all Chests & Bags and washed below. Served fresh Beef.

Friday 15th. Fresh gales and fair weather all these 24 hours. AM Sailmakers employed at the Yard repairing the sails. People scraping the Quick work, blacking the Mast heads, Yards, and bends. Employed also tarring the rigging. Caulkers and Joiners employed on board. Received 212 pounds of fresh Beef

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